Coco Chanel is a fashion queen of the twenties, her life beyond the limits of design and respect for freedom to mix and match the style of the female body from the clumsy distortions of fetters, emphasizing elegant simplicity and easy to wear, women's clothing revolution in modern Pioneer. Chanel has changed the concept of fashion, is really into the art of the 20th century clothing. In her lifetime, but said little motto in life, let me share with you.
1. "You want no substitute, it must always different."
2. "Fashion is not just a simple piece of clothing, fashion in the air, was born in the wind. One can intuitively perceive it, it's in your head the sky, it's in the road you travel every day . "
3. "20 years old, you have a natural growth of the face; 30 years of age, life experience to make your face with a personal imprint; 50 years old, your life, all written in your his face. "
4. "Endless trend, style forever."
5. "Where should use perfume," a young lady asked, "In the place where you want to be kissed."
6. "A girl must have two things, grace and beauty."
7. "Wearing a shabby dress, people remember the dress, wearing an elegant dress, people remember the woman is wearing a skirt."
8. "I do not understand why a woman can leave the family did not properly clean up under their own, if only out of politeness. And you will never know, maybe one day have a chance of fate, and this opportunity you need to possible, allow yourself to become their own delicate and beautiful. "
9. "No time to prepare for those platitudes, the time is used to work and love, in addition, time is running out."
10. "Arabian Nights is simple, but a little black dress is not easy."
11. "Elegance is not the people who are just out of puberty, the privilege, it also belongs to the people can control their own future."
12. "If a woman without perfume, that she has no future."
13. "If a man say to all women is very bad, it usually means that a woman he had been hurt."
14. "Some people think luxury is the antithesis of poverty. Is not the case, which is opposed to it just and vulgar."
15. "Fashion has become a joke. Designers have forgotten to wear clothes of the women, while most women just want to get dressed like men, but the premise of these clothes should facilitate women daily action , for example, can be easily converted into the car, but did not dress smash! clothing is needed is a natural form. "
16. "Decoration, it is definitely a science! Beautiful, it definitely is a powerful weapon! Humility, that is synonymous with elegance!"
17. "A person can become ugly, but it must not be slovenly."
18. "There is nothing lower than the collar fashion dress disappear faster."
19. "Fashion has become outdated."
20. "Jumped out that window, if you have passion; escape, when you feel its presence; passion is no longer, the left only boring."